March 7, 2004
Hey Greg and Lisa, this is old Chuck with a clarification of my national debt number it is only 7.1 trillion but increasing at 2 billion per day. search with Google with “national debt” as subject line and you will use the national debt clock link. $25,000 debt for every person living in America as a debt load. Go GO george but just sad cheese Chuck
May 11, 2004
test test....... just wondering if your guest book is functioning..
May 14, 2004
Greg - As I anxiously await the 2004 Tournament, I can’t help wondering about the 2003 results. Will they be available, perhaps at least by means of a mimeograph handout, when we register for ‘04? - yours in Christ - Pat Currie
May 27, 2004
Greg- When is this year’s Tournament? Your Christ, Dave Whiting
July 1, 2004
Hi Greg, I know I’m a little early but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Are you 55? Get lots of rest. Have Big fun. Get some more rest. Toby
July 2, 2004
Dear Greg: Happy Birthday! I can’t believe it’s been a year already. Hope you have something special planned. Looking forward to seeing you and Lisa sometime soon. Karen G.
July 17, 2004
As I don’t know your e-mail address, I am sending my message through Greg’s Guest Book: From: “Byoung Kim” <> To: Greg, Lisa, and Other Freinds Cc: <> Subject: Thanks Date: Saturday, July 17, 2004 3:08 PM Dear Greg, Lisa, Doug, Chris, Mary, Owen, Lori, Laura, Karen, Kim, Shelly, Jodi and other friends, Thank you so much for your thoughtful preparation for and eager participation in the dinner party honoring my retirement. Knowing Greg well, I thought I might be very pleasantly surprised by him but I was never sure of it. Yes, I was very pleasantly assured of your genuine love and respect for me. I have always consider my life as major and my career as minor. However, life and career are so intertwined that there was a period of my life when I was very discouraged and even depressed as I thought I totally failed in my minor simply because I was not able to achieve my original dream of becoming a CSD pioneer in South Korea. Through a serious health crisis and subsequent personal exodus experience, I met God. My journey of faith was gradually transformed from “Knowing about GOD” to “Knowing GOD” with a personal relationship. GOD helped me to accept who I am and what I am and I was finally able to peace with myself. And also GOD’s love revealed to me through you convinced me that I did not fail in my minor after all. I have always rejoiced in you who are among the ninety nine sheep found by me. But I have also agonized over one lost sheep. I will miss the rejoicing part of my career but I will be liberated from the agonizing part of my career. May the infinite love, mercy, power, and peace of GOD meet you everyday of your journey of life and faith. Byoung Byoung W. Kim, Ph.D. Global Online Education for Speech Science Competency
July 23, 2004
Greg - Since you absolutely refuse to post the results of the 2003 tournament, I am hereby declaring myself the winner of the men’s competition, and suggesting that my score is, oh, maybe a 52. I am also hereby congratulating myself for a difficult and hard-earned victory over a very competitive field, perhaps, although I can really only guess at that. In response, I am humbly suggesting that the tournament is really not just about winning, although that is pretty fine. I thank you and the hostesses, especially the latter, for providing me with the opportunity to showcase my game, and I look forward to this year’s tournament and a chance to defend my title. - Pat
August 19, 2004
Great additions and improvements to the website!!! Good job Chuck and Heather and Greg. Congratuations to Chuck and Cathy on the birth of their baby boy. Very cool. Lisa Postles
September 15, 2004
My darlings, Thank you once again for a delightful outing. The only thing that could have been better would be my golf...I looked under more pine branches than Greg does looking for your Christmas tree. Hope I didn’t jinx Dan “in the hole” Holland. Looking forward to some movies or dinner together soon. Christine Prevetti
November 7, 2004
Greg & Lisa were the oldest people I was friends with for quite a while (re: most of my middle school experience). Now the oldest friend I have is in her 70’s, so they have been releived of a not very flattering title. They’re really wonderful people. Greg introduced me to the horror that is Ed Wood films. He is also a treasure trove of interesting information. Lisa is a very quick-witted person (talk with them--you’ll soon learn what I mean, and you’ll have one of the best conversations of your life in the process, so it’s an all-around win). I haven’t talked to them in a while, and I think I promised to check out this site 2 years ago or so (yikes!). I was the one missing out; it’s a great site. ~Michelle Martinie (Still going to college in Arizona. Graduating next May. Moving back to Japan in either July or September. Let’s not lose touch.)
December 12, 2004
Hi Greg and Lisa! It was so wonderful to see you both on Friday. Thanks for sharing your site with me. I love the pictures! Have a safe and happy holiday and a fabulous new year! Brenda :)
December 16, 2004
Dear Greg & LIsa I want to share with you the beautiful expression of Christmas message of “Four Candles”. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!! Byoung
Hey Greg and Lisa, this is old Chuck with a clarification of my national debt number it is only 7.1 trillion but increasing at 2 billion per day. search with Google with “national debt” as subject line and you will use the national debt clock link. $25,000 debt for every person living in America as a debt load. Go GO george but just sad cheese Chuck
May 11, 2004
test test....... just wondering if your guest book is functioning..
May 14, 2004
Greg - As I anxiously await the 2004 Tournament, I can’t help wondering about the 2003 results. Will they be available, perhaps at least by means of a mimeograph handout, when we register for ‘04? - yours in Christ - Pat Currie
May 27, 2004
Greg- When is this year’s Tournament? Your Christ, Dave Whiting
July 1, 2004
Hi Greg, I know I’m a little early but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Are you 55? Get lots of rest. Have Big fun. Get some more rest. Toby
July 2, 2004
Dear Greg: Happy Birthday! I can’t believe it’s been a year already. Hope you have something special planned. Looking forward to seeing you and Lisa sometime soon. Karen G.
July 17, 2004
As I don’t know your e-mail address, I am sending my message through Greg’s Guest Book: From: “Byoung Kim” <> To: Greg, Lisa, and Other Freinds Cc: <> Subject: Thanks Date: Saturday, July 17, 2004 3:08 PM Dear Greg, Lisa, Doug, Chris, Mary, Owen, Lori, Laura, Karen, Kim, Shelly, Jodi and other friends, Thank you so much for your thoughtful preparation for and eager participation in the dinner party honoring my retirement. Knowing Greg well, I thought I might be very pleasantly surprised by him but I was never sure of it. Yes, I was very pleasantly assured of your genuine love and respect for me. I have always consider my life as major and my career as minor. However, life and career are so intertwined that there was a period of my life when I was very discouraged and even depressed as I thought I totally failed in my minor simply because I was not able to achieve my original dream of becoming a CSD pioneer in South Korea. Through a serious health crisis and subsequent personal exodus experience, I met God. My journey of faith was gradually transformed from “Knowing about GOD” to “Knowing GOD” with a personal relationship. GOD helped me to accept who I am and what I am and I was finally able to peace with myself. And also GOD’s love revealed to me through you convinced me that I did not fail in my minor after all. I have always rejoiced in you who are among the ninety nine sheep found by me. But I have also agonized over one lost sheep. I will miss the rejoicing part of my career but I will be liberated from the agonizing part of my career. May the infinite love, mercy, power, and peace of GOD meet you everyday of your journey of life and faith. Byoung Byoung W. Kim, Ph.D. Global Online Education for Speech Science Competency
July 23, 2004
Greg - Since you absolutely refuse to post the results of the 2003 tournament, I am hereby declaring myself the winner of the men’s competition, and suggesting that my score is, oh, maybe a 52. I am also hereby congratulating myself for a difficult and hard-earned victory over a very competitive field, perhaps, although I can really only guess at that. In response, I am humbly suggesting that the tournament is really not just about winning, although that is pretty fine. I thank you and the hostesses, especially the latter, for providing me with the opportunity to showcase my game, and I look forward to this year’s tournament and a chance to defend my title. - Pat
August 19, 2004
Great additions and improvements to the website!!! Good job Chuck and Heather and Greg. Congratuations to Chuck and Cathy on the birth of their baby boy. Very cool. Lisa Postles
September 15, 2004
My darlings, Thank you once again for a delightful outing. The only thing that could have been better would be my golf...I looked under more pine branches than Greg does looking for your Christmas tree. Hope I didn’t jinx Dan “in the hole” Holland. Looking forward to some movies or dinner together soon. Christine Prevetti
November 7, 2004
Greg & Lisa were the oldest people I was friends with for quite a while (re: most of my middle school experience). Now the oldest friend I have is in her 70’s, so they have been releived of a not very flattering title. They’re really wonderful people. Greg introduced me to the horror that is Ed Wood films. He is also a treasure trove of interesting information. Lisa is a very quick-witted person (talk with them--you’ll soon learn what I mean, and you’ll have one of the best conversations of your life in the process, so it’s an all-around win). I haven’t talked to them in a while, and I think I promised to check out this site 2 years ago or so (yikes!). I was the one missing out; it’s a great site. ~Michelle Martinie (Still going to college in Arizona. Graduating next May. Moving back to Japan in either July or September. Let’s not lose touch.)
December 12, 2004
Hi Greg and Lisa! It was so wonderful to see you both on Friday. Thanks for sharing your site with me. I love the pictures! Have a safe and happy holiday and a fabulous new year! Brenda :)
December 16, 2004
Dear Greg & LIsa I want to share with you the beautiful expression of Christmas message of “Four Candles”. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!! Byoung